- Nouvelle cuisine
- Nov
- Nova
- Novel
- Novelize
- Novella
- Nowadays
- Nowise
- Nuclear
- Nuclear fission
- Nuclear physics
- Nucleus
- Nudely
- Nudism
- Numb
- Numbbess
- Number 1
- Number 12
- Number 16
- Number 2
- Number is up
- Number one
- Number plate
- Numberless
- Numbly
- Numbness
- Numeral
- Numeral 3
- Numeral 6
- Numeral 7
- Numerate
- Numerical
- Numerous
- Numinous
- Numismatist
- Numshull
- Nuncio
- Nunnery
- Nuptial
- Nuptials
- Nurse a cold
- Nurse back to health
- Nursery
- Nursery school
- Nutcase
- Nutmeg
- Nutmeg fruit
- Nutrition
- Nux vomica
- Nux vomica tree
- Nuzzle
- Nyphomaniac
- Nala
- Namasivaya
- Nazhika
- Needlewoman
- Neighbour
- Neighbourhood
- Naivety
- Na
- Naga king
- Nagas of patala
- Naggy
- Nail someone down
- Nail to counter
- Naive
- Naked eye
- Nakedly
- Namboodiri chief of a thali
- Namboodiri who has performed yagas
- Name
- Namesake
- Nandini
- Naology
- Nap hand
- Naphtha
- Nappy
- Narrative
- Narrow lane
- Narrow path
- Narrowness
- Nasalize
- Nascent
- Nastiness
- Nation
- National
- National assembly
- Nationalism
- Nationality
- Native of judaea
- Nattily
- Natty
- Natural beauty
- Natural factors
- Natural gas or coal gas
- Natural pond
- Natural selection
- Naturalist
- Naturally
- Natyasasthra