- Nullity
- Number 11
- Number 14
- Number 9
- Number line
- Numbing
- Numeral 1
- Numeral 4
- Numeral 9
- Numeric key pad
- Numerously
- Nupital gift
- Nursing service
- Nurture
- Nutcracker
- Nutrient
- Nuts about
- Nutshell
- Nylon
- Nyotaimori
- Natively
- Naturalness
- Nazarene
- Nazhis
- Neighborhood
- Non
- Naked
- Nadir
- Naff
- Nag somebody
- Nail
- Nail it
- Nail ones colours to the mast
- Nail up
- Nail-biting
- Nail-brush
- Nail-file
- Naive user
- Naivete
- Naked mendicant
- Nakedness
- Nakula
- Name the day
- Name-dropping
- Naming
- Nap
- Narcissist
- Narcotic
- Narcotically
- Nard
- Narrates
- Narrating
- Naysayer
- Narration
- Narrow escape
- Narrow-mindedness
- Narrowly
- Narwhal
- Nasa
- Nasal
- Nascence
- Nasturtium
- National anthem
- Nationalize
- Nestful
- Native
- Native ability or intelligence
- Native place
- Natural law
- Naturalistic
- Naturopathy
- Naughtiness
- Nauseating
- Nautch
- Nave
- Navel-string
- Navy blue
- Naxalbari in 1967
- Naxalite
- Nayar sub-caste
- Nbs
- Ncsdct
- Ncst
- Ndbms
- Near
- Near the knuckle
- Near the nose
- Near-relation
- Neat house
- Noctiphobia
- Necessary
- Necessitate
- Necessity
- Neck-hair
- Neckless
- Neckline
- Necrophilia
- Nectarine
- Needle fish
- Needy