- To roar
- To roll
- To spirt
- To stammer
- To stand the test
- To stir up
- To stooped down
- Tocsin
- To wander about
- To warm
- To wash ones hands off
- To wield
- To winnow paddy
- To wipe off
- To wit
- Toad
- Toad-eater
- Toast
- Toast-master
- Tobacco
- Tobacco-pouch
- Toll-station
- Tomahawk
- Tomb
- Tomboyish
- Tombstone
- Tomfoolery
- Tommy
- Tomorrow comes never
- Tone-down
- Tongue
- Tongued
- Tonight
- Toning
- Tonsillar
- Torridness
- Tortfeasor
- Tortuously
- Torturer
- Torturing
- Torturous
- Tos
- Toss ones head
- Tot
- Totalitarian
- Totality
- Totally
- Totter
- Townspeople
- Toxicology
- Toy with
- Tp
- Tpt
- Tracery
- Tracheal
- Track and field
- Tracker
- Tractability
- Trailing edge
- Train-bearer
- Trained
- Trainman
- Traipse
- Trammel
- Trample to death
- Trance
- Tranche
- Tranquil
- Transmitter
- Transmute
- Transom
- Transparency
- Transpire
- Transplantation
- Transplendent
- Transportation
- Transported
- Transubstantiation
- Treadmill
- Treasonable
- Treasure
- Treasure hunt
- Treatment
- Trees
- Trifler
- Trigger something off
- Trigger-happy
- Trigonometry
- Trim with
- Trimmer
- Trinitarianism
- Trinitrotoluene
- Trinket
- Trip
- Trophied
- Trophy
- Tropic of capricorn
- Trot out
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberous