- Monocarp
- Monocephalous
- Monocracy
- Monodrama
- Monomania
- Mononymous
- Monopolist
- Monopsychotic twins
- Monosyllabically
- Monotheism
- Monotonic
- Monotonous
- Monotype
- Monstruous
- Montage
- Month
- Month of chithra
- Monument
- Monumentally
- Moo
- Moocher
- Moodiness
- Moon light flitting
- Moon shiner
- Moon-calf
- Moon-god
- Moondrop
- Moonstone
- Moonstruck
- Moor
- Mooring
- Moot point
- Mophead
- Moral
- Moral science
- Moralize
- Morals
- Moratory
- Morbid protruberance of liver
- Morbidly
- More in it than meets the eyes
- More than anything else
- More than once
- Morganatic
- Morganatically
- Morgue
- Moringa tree
- Morly
- Mormonism
- Morning prayer
- Morning room
- Morocco
- Morphia
- Morphologist
- Morphology
- Morsin
- Mortgage deed
- Mortuary house
- Mos
- Moschate
- Moses
- Moshing
- Moss
- Motherland
- Mostly
- Mot just
- Moth
- Mothballs
- Mother
- Mother of perl
- Mother tincture
- Mother-in-law
- Mother-of-pearl
- Mother-to-be
- Motherhood
- Movies
- Mothers brother
- Mothers household
- Mothers milk
- Motif
- Motile
- Motional
- Motiveless
- Motor
- Motor boat
- Motor nerve
- Motor-content
- Motorcade
- Motorize
- Motormouth
- Mottle
- Moulding
- Moult
- Mount abu
- Mount kailas
- Mount sameru
- Mountain dew
- Mountain-dweller
- Mountain-sickness
- Mountie