- Mass production
- Massage
- Massage parlour
- Masses
- Massiveness
- Massula
- Mast
- Master class
- Master file
- Master-stroke
- Masterly
- Masterwork
- Masturbate
- Mat
- Match
- Match box
- Match-stick
- Media
- Material body
- Materialize
- Maternal
- Maternity ward
- Mathematical
- Mathematician
- Mathemtical calculations
- Mathura
- Matriarchal
- Matron
- Mattoid
- Maturation
- Matured through age
- Matzo
- Maunder
- Maw
- Mawkish
- Mawkishly
- Mawkishness
- Maximal
- Maximize
- May jahoahs name be praised
- Mayflower
- Mayor
- Mccoy
- Mea culpa
- Meagre
- Meagre balance
- Meagrely
- Mealy bug
- Meandered
- Meaningful word
- Meaningly
- Meantime
- Measly
- Measurable
- Measure ones length
- Measured
- Measuring
- Meat
- Meaty
- Mechanic
- Mechanics
- Mecum and tuum
- Medal
- Meddlesome
- Mediaeval
- Mediation
- Medical
- Medical aid
- Medicament
- Medicinal herb
- Medicines
- Medieval
- Mediocrity
- Meditating
- Meditative
- Meditator
- Mediums
- Meekly
- Meekness
- Meercat
- Meet ones demand
- Meet with
- Megafauna
- Megalithic
- Megalopolis
- Megaton-bomb
- Meiosis
- Melamine
- Melancholic
- Melange
- Melchior
- Meld
- Melding
- Melliferous
- Melodiously
- Melodramatic
- Melomania
- Melon
- Melt
- Maddar