- Cure
- Curfew
- Curiosity
- Curled hair
- Curliness
- Curling
- Curmurring
- Currant
- Currently
- Curricle
- Curriculum
- Currier
- Curry-leaf tree
- Cursing
- Cursive
- Cursoriness
- Curt
- Curtail
- Curtly
- Curvaceous
- Curvature
- Cut ones own throat
- Cut out the middleman
- Cut short
- Cutie
- Cutlery
- Cutters
- Cutting
- Cuttings
- Cyan
- Cybele
- Cyber
- Cyber directory
- Cyberbullying
- Cybernetics
- Cycad
- Cycling
- C
- Chadors
- Characterised
- Circumcentre
- Coaly
- Cognovit
- Comose
- Conjunctive
- Carouse
- Carpe diem
- Carpenter
- Carpenter's
- Carpet weaver
- Carpets
- Carpool
- Carriagable
- Cartoon
- Carriage paid
- Carrot and stick policy
- Carry it off well
- Carry all before
- Carry away
- Carry back
- Caste system
- Casteless
- Castigatory
- Casting off
- Castle
- Castor
- Castor cake
- Castor sugar
- Castrate
- Castrated bull
- Castrol-oil plant
- Casual
- Casually
- Catechism
- Categorize
- Category
- Catenary
- Cater to
- Caterer
- Caterwaul
- Catnap
- Causing heat
- Causing joy and fear
- Caustic potash
- Caution money
- Cautionary
- Cautiously
- Cavalcade
- Cavalryman
- Cave dweller
- Cave painting
- Caveat
- Cavort
- Cavum
- Celluloid
- Celt
- Celtic
- Cenacle
- Cenotaph
- Centaurus