- Born in the gutter
- Borough
- Borrower
- Borstal
- Bosom pal
- Boson
- Boss's
- Botanical garden
- Botanist
- Botanophobia
- Bother
- Bottle up
- Bottom line
- Boundaries
- Bounder
- Bountiulness
- Bounty
- Bourgeoise
- Bourgeoisie
- Boustrophedon
- Bout
- Bovine
- Bowel movement
- Bowels
- Bowl
- Bowyer
- Box office
- Boyar
- Boyfriend
- Bra
- Bracelet
- Brachytherapy
- Bracing
- Bracket
- Brackish land
- Braggadocio
- Bragging
- Brahaspathi
- Brahma
- Brahmany goose
- Brahmin
- Brahminical string
- Braid of hair
- Braided hair
- Brain
- Brain child
- Brain fever
- Brainless
- Brainstem
- Brainy
- Braise
- Brake van
- Bramble
- Bran
- Branched
- Brand
- Brandish
- Brassiere
- Bratty
- Brave person
- Bravely
- Bravo
- Brazen faced
- Brazenly
- Braziers
- Brb
- Bread-fruit tree
- breadwinner
- Break a leg
- Break ones heart
- Breakup
- Breath-control
- Breathe
- Breathe ones last
- Breathing apparatus
- Brewer
- Brian washing
- Bribable
- Brickbat
- Bride
- Bride and bridegroom
- Brides price
- Bridge
- Brigade
- Bright
- Brihtness
- Brilliant
- Brimstone
- Brindle
- Brine
- Bring person to his knees
- Bring to a head
- Bring to the verge of
- Bring under one roof
- Bringing under control
- Brink
- Briskly
- Britannia
- Broad
- Benignant